Albany DWI Lawyer
Facing charges for drunk driving can be an extremely stressful experience. Knowing that you could get your license suspended, receive considerable financial penalties, and even get sentenced to jail time is probably keeping you up at night.
Fortunately, the team at DWI Tom can give you peace of mind and construct a legal strategy geared towards getting your charges reduced or dismissed. Contact an Albany DWI lawyer from our firm today to stop worrying and start planning the defense strategy you need to protect your future.
Understanding Your Albany DWI Charges
Depending on the details of your drunk driving incident, you could be facing a charge of driving while intoxicated (DWI), driving while ability impaired (DWAI), or refusing to submit to chemical testing. DWI charges are the most severe, as they imply that your blood alcohol content (BAC) was 0.08% or higher when you were pulled over.
A DWAI charge means your ability to operate a vehicle safely was impaired, but it doesn’t necessarily mean your BAC was over the legal limit. If you refused to take a breathalyzer or a blood test, you could also face serious penalties if convicted.
Understanding your charges is the first step in fighting them. An Albany DWI attorney can further explain the charges you’ve received and defend you against legal penalties, reputational damage, and other extra-legal consequences of a conviction.
Albany DWI Lawyer Near Me

Penalties That a DWI Lawyer From Albany Can Protect You From
The penalties you face depend on the type of drunk driving charge you’ve received and whether or not you’re a first, second, or third-time offender. If it isn’t your first time getting arrested for drunk driving, you could be met with higher fines, a longer suspension, and a more significant jail sentence than a first-time offender.
The good news is that our team of DWI lawyers in Albany can create a legal strategy to protect you from or at least reduce the penalties that come with a conviction, which include:
License Suspension
Depending on your charges and number of prior drunk driving offenses, a conviction could land you with anywhere from 90 days to six months or even a year or more of license suspension. Make sure you hire an experienced attorney to protect your driving privileges.
Fines can range anywhere from $500 to $10,000, depending on the severity of your charge. Don’t let this mistake cost you a fortune. Get in touch with skilled legal counsel today and keep your finances intact.
Jail Time
It’s likely that first-time offenders won’t receive significant jail time, but more serious charges could result in up to seven years of incarceration. To protect your freedom and get severe charges dropped or reduced, get in touch with our DWI attorneys in Albany ASAP.
Increase in Insurance Premium
Insurance companies can find out if you’ve been convicted of a drunk driving offense. Your insurer will likely raise your monthly rate if you’re convicted of a DWI, DWAI, or another drunk driving offense. That’s because insuring a driver who has a history of unsafe driving is much riskier than insuring someone with a spotless record.
Employment Consequences
Most employers conduct extensive background checks on potential new hires to make sure they’re fit for the job. If an employer sees that you have a DWI or DWAI conviction on your record, they’ll probably think twice about hiring you.
Education Consequences
Similarly to employers, colleges and universities also want to know if you have any blemishes on your record before accepting you. Don’t let a temporary lapse in judgment strip you of your ability to get an education. Reach out to the team at DWI Tom, and get the representation you need to remain in control of your life.
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How We Can Defend You From a Conviction and Unwanted Consequence
When you work with an attorney from our firm, they’ll thoroughly investigate your traffic stop, the sobriety test you took, and any other details that could be used in your defense strategy. Once your lawyer has gathered enough evidence and information, they’ll ideally be able to develop an approach to defending you from a conviction.
Here are some of the approaches our Albany DWI lawyers might take to fight the charges you’re facing:
- The police didn’t follow proper legal procedures when detaining you
- The police didn’t have grounds to pull you over
- The police didn’t administer the breathalyzer test correctly
- The field sobriety test you took wasn’t reliable
- Your medical condition or diet skewed the results of the chemical test
- An eye-witness testifies to your sobriety
The DWI attorneys from our location in Albany will work tirelessly to build a strong defense on your behalf, but only if you contact them soon. The sooner your reach out to an experienced lawyer, the more likely they’ll be able to help you avoid serious consequences.
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Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Hire an Albany DWI Lawyer
Hiring an attorney as soon as possible after receiving a drunk driving charge could be one of the best decisions you ever make. Doing so will allow your attorney to get an early start on the investigation process and gather important evidence before it goes missing or gets destroyed.
Hiring a DWI lawyer soon will also give them more time to interview witnesses, identify possible holes in the prosecutor’s argument, and develop a solid defense strategy. Don’t delay your defense. Instead, schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney today.
Schedule a Free Consultation With an Albany DWI Lawyer From DWI Tom
Whether you were wrongfully charged with drunk driving or are facing the consequences of a lapse in your judgment, the team at DWI Tom is here to help you get the best outcome possible. If we agree to take on your case, we’ll give your case the time and effort necessary to be successful.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with an Albany DWI lawyer from our firm. They’ll meet with you to discuss the charges and consequences you’re facing, explore your defense options, and let you know if we can represent you. We look forward to hearing from you soon and helping you secure a bright future.
Call or text 800-394-1100 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form